Project Management

Manage your to-do list like a pro with our Tasks feature. Stay on top of your tasks by prioritizing, assigning, and tracking them in real-time. With our user-friendly interface, you can quickly turn overwhelming projects into completed ones.

Task Management with Dynamic Status Tracking

Don't get lost in the chaos of multiple tasks. Our state-of-the-art system lets you view and track the status of each task in real-time. With easy-to-use search and filter options, you can swiftly zero in on what needs your attention most, so you're always a step ahead.

Master the Art of Task Assignment and Stay in the Loop

Turn every task into a well-executed mission. Whether you want supervisors to handpick the perfect candidate for a job or prefer the system to auto-assign based on pre-defined rules, we have your back. Plus, our robust notification system keeps everyone informed and accountable.

Boost Productivity with Intelligent Workflow Mapping

Don't leave efficiency to chance. Map out your entire workflow process tailored to each specific task type. Our platform lets you define how each task flows from initiation to completion, ensuring that your team knows what to do, when, and in what order.

(Make more deals faster)

(Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more.)

Assign Your Milestone A Maestro

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Don't leave your milestones to safeguard for themselves. Assign a Milestone Manager to each one and watch productivity soar. Our feature ensures accountability for meeting key milestones, putting the focus and leadership back into milestone management.

(Serial Numbers)

(Over a dozen reusable features built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, alerts, and much more.)

Turn Automation Into Your Operational Advantage

Our flexible notification settings allow you to alert the right people at the right time, whether a new task is up for grabs or an existing one is nearing its due date. Make timely, informed decisions with real-time alerts that keep everyone informed.

Stay on top of Everything with Intelligent NotificationsMaximize Task Clarity with Multimedia Attachments

Our system lets you attach documents, images, files, and even screenshots directly to tasks. Whether it's a PDF for reference, a screenshot clarifying an issue, or essential files needed for task completion, attach it and rest easy.

Master Task Management with Sub-Tasks

With our task module, you have the power to conquer even the most colossal projects by breaking them down into bite-sized pieces. From start to finish, you'll have complete control over every detail without ever losing sight of the grand plan.

Your Milestone, Your Metrics

Ever feel like you're losing track of your milestones? Not anymore. Our feature lets you check real-time data on all the tasks linked to your milestones. Know which tasks are open, in-progress, closed, or reopened, and keep an eye on open issues.

Master Your Milestone Timelines

With the ability to set specific start and end dates for each milestone, you're not just shooting in the dark but setting up a strategic game plan. This feature lets you break down larger projects into manageable chunks, each with its timeline for better focus and execution.

Link Milestones to Specific Projects

Ever feel like you're juggling too many projects at once? Our feature lets you assign milestones to specific projects by name and ensures every milestone is connected to its related project, eliminating ambiguity. Know what needs to be done, by when, and for which project.

Task Management Right From Your Milestones

Do you find it tiring to switch between tabs and menus in order to modify your tasks? With our feature, view and edit tasks directly from their linked milestone. Save time and clicks with our all-in-one task management solution.


(Outstanding Features)

(Over a dozen reusable features built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, alerts, and much more.)


Master Your Team Dynamics with Tailor-Made Roles & Permissions

Own your team's workflow by customizing user roles and permissions. Our intuitive interface lets you handpick who has the power to create, assign, modify, and complete tasks. By strategically allocating authority, you bring out the best in your team and make every operation a well-oiled machine.


Master Task Customization for Business Agility

Our platform allows you to define unique attributes for different task types to capture everything that matters. Each task in your business can be customized with priority, due date, and custom fields, making processes more adaptable and effective.


Name Your Milestones, Chart Your Progress

With our feature to create Milestones' Names, you can crystalize your project goals. By labeling these critical points, establish clear checkpoints for your team, making tracking progress and celebrating wins easier.


Prioritize Your Milestones for Impactful Execution

Set the stage for what really matters. With our Milestone Priority feature, allocate your resources and time where they'll make the biggest impact. Prioritize each milestone based on its importance or urgency, so your team knows exactly what to tackle first.

Organize Your Workflow with Project Groups

Take on even the most challenging projects without breaking a sweat. Our unique "Project Group" feature lets you effortlessly group together all the related tasks, timelines, and resources.

Kick start Your Projects with Ease

Effortlessly manage your tasks and goals with our "Create Project" feature. Our feature offers a centralized space where you can outline your objectives, assign roles, and set deadlines, enabling you to streamline your path from conception to completion.

Empower Your Team with a Guiding Hand

Our "Assign Project Manager" feature allows you to delegate oversight for seamless project execution. Choose a leader who'll guide, manage resources, and keep everyone on track. No more chaos—just structured success.

Time-Frame Your Success Path

With our "Assign Project Start & End Dates" feature, take control of your project from the get-go! Enabling to set a clear timeline, ensuring everyone is on the same page. When everyone knows the due dates, procrastination takes a back seat, and productivity takes the wheel.

Provision to Create the User Stories for the Project.

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Centralized Project Media: One Storage, Zero Hassle

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Never struggle for a lost document again—everything you need is just a click away. Our platform provides a secure, centralized hub for all project-related documents and images. It's all in one easy-to-access location, whether you're adding specs, diagrams, or other essential files.

Tailored Task Management for Your Projects

Define every aspect of your project tasks with our detailed Task Creation feature. From setting deadlines to allocating resources, this functionality empowers you to craft a task list that aligns perfectly with your project's goals.

All Your Project Metrics, Just a Click Away

Keep your finger on the pulse of your project's status. Our feature-rich dashboard lets you check the status of various tasks and issues in real-time. From 'Open Tasks' to 'In-Progress' and 'Closed Tasks,' to even 'Re-Open Tasks' and 'Total Tasks,' we've got you covered. Oh, and let's not forget 'Open Issues.'