User Stories

Bring user needs into focus with our User Stories feature. Capture, prioritize, and implement feedback to drive product development. Make every iteration a step toward perfection.

Incorporate Milestones into User Stories

Stay aligned with your project objectives by adding Milestones directly into your User Stories. This integration allows you to track progress in the context of larger goals, ensuring that every story contributes to your project's success—a simple yet powerful way to keep everyone on the same page.

Aim for Excellence with Clear Acceptance Criteria

Maximize the impact of your deliverables by nailing down the exact acceptance criteria for each user story. With a clear-cut checklist for validation and testing, you can guarantee that your outcomes will exceed even the loftiest expectations.

Navigate Complexity with Defined Dependencies

Easily keep track of what needs to be done before you can finish a task! Our feature helps you plan your work and stay up-to-date with any outside factors or other tasks that might affect your progress. This tool allows you to complete your work smoothly without any surprises.

(Make more deals faster)

(Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more.)

(Serial Numbers)

(Over a dozen reusable features built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, alerts, and much more.)

Effortless Bidding on User Story Tasks

Boost your team's productivity with our new bidding feature. You can now ask your team members to compete for tasks in a project so the best person for each task is chosen. Isn't that a great way to make sure everyone is involved and motivated to work efficiently?

Manager Approval at Your Fingertips

Make sure the right people get the job done with our Manager Approval feature. Our tool allows Managers to easily check, say yes or no, to requests to work on different tasks. Assigning the best people for the job is an easy way to keep track of progress.

Skill-Based Allocation Simplified

Optimize your project outcomes with our Skill-Based Allocation feature. With this feature, you can organize and match user requests with team members with the necessary skills to handle them effectively. Get the right people on the right tasks, every time.

Maximize User StoryTask Clarity with Multimedia Attachments

Our system lets you attach documents, images, files, and even screenshots directly to tasks. Whether it’s a PDF for reference, a screenshot clarifying an issue, or essential files needed for task completion, attach it and rest easy.