Price Management

Our Price List feature takes the guesswork out of pricing strategies. Easily set, adjust, and manage product prices across multiple channels. You set the price; we make sure it's right.

Rule-Based Pricing for Automated Calculations

Harness the power of rule-based pricing, where the system defines pricing rules and strategies based on product attributes and customer segments. These rules automatically calculate and apply the appropriate prices without manual intervention for dynamic adjustments aligned with market conditions and specific customer needs.

Flexible Pricing Structures for Varied Customer Segments

Embrace the diversity of your customer base with flexible pricing structures. We offer the ability to create multiple price lists, each with different pricing structures, catering specifically to various customer segments and aligning with varying market needs, preferences, and demands.

Customizable Price Codes for Individual Clients

Tailor your pricing strategy with customizable price codes, allowing you to assign customer-specific codes in price lists for individual clients. These codes can be determined based on purchase history, buying behavior, or negotiated contracts for a personalized pricing approach that reflects each client's unique needs and value.

Monitoring Price Differences through Sales & Purchase Price Trends

Navigate the complexities of pricing with the ability to monitor price differences for items through sales and purchase price trends. This insightful feature allows you to analyze variations between selling and buying prices, clearly showing the market's dynamics and your competitive positioning.

(Make more deals faster)

(Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more.)

Special Prices Visibility Beyond List Price Configuration

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Benefit from displaying special prices configured in the Price Contracts, irrespective of the List Price set up in the Price List Module. This feature ensures that unique pricing agreements, such as special discounts or negotiated rates, remain visible and accessible.